Reggina Rouge 2005

Режина Руж 2005

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Reggina Estate (Режина Истейт)
Bulgaria (България) 
Thracian Valley (Тракийска Низина)
Merlot (Мерло)

Cabernet Sauvignon (Каберне Совиньон)
€ 3.07  
Added by demiro
07 Feb 2010

Winemaker's notes:
Вино с искрящ червен цвят, съчетало достойнствата на сортовете Мерло и Каберне совиньон. Вплетени аромати на червени плодове, чушка и подправки. Мек и хармоничен вкус с приятни дъбови нотки.

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How to drink it
Food: Chicken, Chicken Smoked, Couscous, Duck, Ham, Hamburger, Lamb (Grilled, Broiled), Pasta with Tomato Sauce, Pasta with Vegetables, Pates, Pizza, Quiche, Rabbit, Sausage, Spicy Chinese, Steak (Grilled, Broiled), Tuna, Turkey, Veal, Venison
Cheese: Brie, Camember, Danish Blu, Gouda, Gruyere, Pecorino Toscano, Sharp Cheddar
Temperature: 16-18 °C
Red or White
From the Reading Room
The color of wine comes from the skin of the grapes. The juice that comes from nearly every variety of grape when pressed is white or clear. This is true of red grapes as well as white wines. The color or pigments of red grapes are found in the skins of the grapes. In order to make a red wine from ...
Comments & Ratings
07 Feb 2010
Намерих го за прилично. Компанията каза, че е притеснително да е толкова "прилично" и да струва 6 лева. Аз казвам - може би е пак време за по-чести експерименти с вина около 5-те лева.